DSM01 Curtis Filter Module

DSM01 Curtis Filter Module

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Dave Smith Instruments just revealed their new product called the DSM01 Curtis Filter Module. You can get the filter and include it in your Eurorack. Read more below. Dave Smith Instruments today revealed the DSM01 Curtis Filter Module, their first filter module for modular synthesizers. The component takes its name from the initial […]

Prophet 08 Is a Bestseller for DSI

DSI Prophet 08

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Dave Smith is a pioneer in the Analog synthesizer arena and he just announced that the Prophet 08 Synth is a bestseller for his company Dave Smith Instruments. If you haven’t had a chance to hear the Prophet 08, you should take the time and find out. Read more below. In 2013, sales […]

Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 12 Module Is Out

DSI Prophet 12 Module

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] If you don’t know what the Prophet 12 module is, you’re required to find out. The Prophet 12 Module has 12 voices of sonic bliss you can have at your finger-tips connecting your favorite controller with simple editing using LCD display. Why sample records when you can play something on the Prophet 12 […]

Dave Smith Instruments Mopho Desktop Review


[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Today we have more options for purchasing modern analog synths for a decent price. Lately other manufacturers have thrown their brand of analog synths in the pot and the landscape is getting more competitive. When Dave Smith first introduced the Mopho to the public, there was little to no competition. Now new affordable […]