DSM01 Curtis Filter Module

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Dave Smith Instruments just revealed their new product called the DSM01 Curtis Filter Module. You can get the filter and include it in your Eurorack. Read more below.

Dave Smith Instruments today revealed the DSM01 Curtis Filter Module, their first filter module for modular synthesizers. The component takes its name from the initial filter chip made by the late Doug Curtis and supplies both a switchable 2/4-pole low-pass filter and a VCA.

The “Curtis sound,” which is frequently explained as filled, brash, and effective, was essential to not simply Smith’s synthesizers, yet additionally to such highly-regarded instruments as the Rhodes Chroma, Polaris, Oberheim Xpander, PPG Wave, Korg MonoPoly, Waldorf Surge, Elka Synthex, and several others.

“We always wished to make the timeless Curtis filter sound, which I’ve found expressive and really extremely versatile, conveniently available to modular consumers,” claimed Smith.

A thoroughly made collection of criteria and inputs allows voltage control of filter frequency and resonance. The module also provides its own VCA and features two separate outputs for the filter– one pre-VCA and the, post-VCA.

“With modular synths, having the best possible tonal combination to attract from has constantly been the nitty-gritty. Our Curtis Filter module is our very first, but considerable contribution to the globe. We assume modular users are really going to acquire a bunch of sonic mileage out of it.”

Price $179
Will be available August 2014


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