Akai MPC Software 1.6 is Out
[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Akai just released MPC Software 1.6 with bug fixes and new enhancements. Now you can do fine sample edits on the Renaissance/Studio controller
[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Akai just released MPC Software 1.6 with bug fixes and new enhancements. Now you can do fine sample edits on the Renaissance/Studio controller
[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Akai released MPC Software 1.5 recently and I decided to download it and see what the new updates are. Installing MPC Software 1.5
Akai released another update to address some minor issues. At least they are really supporting the Ren and Studio. Here is what they have to
Akai updated the software for the Mpc Renaissance/Studio to 1.3. From what I’m seeing on the net, everyone is happy with this update. I want
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