Akai and Retronyms Released iMPC for iPhone

Akai impc iphone

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Akai and Retronyms released iMPC for iPhone for $2.99 only for a limited time. Now you can make beats on your iPhone on the go. The iMPC app for iPhone has a feature called 3D Perform which uses the iPhone motion sensor to add unique performance with the app. I don’t have an […]

Akai MPC FLY 30 Pin Now $149

Mpc fly 30 pin

Akai just announced the MPC Fly 30 pin for $149. When Akai first announced the availability of the MPC Fly 30 pin, they told us the supply was limited. Now Akai slashed the price from $199 to get them out the door. The MPC Fly 30 Pin has received bad reviews and users are not happy with the build […]

Retronyms updates the Akai iMPC iOS App

Akai iMPC

[fresh_video url=”http://youtube.com/watch?v=WK_8Na7pyuE”] [fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Retronyms along with Akai announced a new update for iMPC app. The app has some features like mute groups with improved sample edit accuracy. Looks like Retronyms is trying to build the apps muscle taking it from toy app to something pro. Can’t wait to try new features. Here is what […]