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Retronyms along with Akai announced a new update for iMPC app. The app has some features like mute groups with improved sample edit accuracy. Looks like Retronyms is trying to build the apps muscle taking it from toy app to something pro. Can’t wait to try new features. Here is what they have to say.

What’s New in Version 1.2


Mute Groups
Assign a pad to mute when another assigned pad is struck

Edit the start end point on any sample at any time
Fine-Grain Tempo Control
Set your tempos with ultra-precise accuracy up to 1/100 of the BPM value

AudioPaste Integration
Enhanced Integration with increased compatibility


Audio Stability
Improved sequence audio stability when returning to Beat 1

Waveform Accuracy
32-bit and 24-bit audio files now show proper waveform graphics in Sampler window

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Turn your iPad into an Akai MPC. With more than 1,200 samples, 50 editable programs, 80 editable sequences, and iconic MPC workflow, iMPC is the first app to bring all the functionality of a classic Akai Pro MPC to your iPad. Developed in partnership with Retronyms, iMPC includes everything you need to create a beat quickly and easily, including built-in effects, plus the ability to create new sequences and record and overdub beats. Time correction from 1/8 note to 1/32T with variable swing, and Note Repeat from 1/8 note to 1/32T with latch control are also built in. The app’s built-in sampler can record samples three different ways: using the mic on the iPad, using the line input on the iPad, or using the multi-touch turntable interface in iMPC to record samples directly from iTunes or other music libraries.

Akai iMPC

More than 1,200 samples, 50 editable programs, and 80 editable sequences

Exclusive iMPC sound set and classic Akai Professional sound library
Sample from iPad mic, line-in, or music library using multi-touch turntable interface

Export tracks to MPC Software for use with MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio

In-app SoundCloud community, powered by CloudSeeder
Share on SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or export to your computer

Tabletop-ready: works seamlessly with Retronyms’ Tabletop app for iPad
16 Levels mode: 16 levels of attack, velocity, length, and tuning
Note Variation slider: adjust attack, velocity, length, and tuning as you play

Trim and categorize samples, undo takes and erase samples

Create new sequences, record and overdub beats

Live Sequence queuing for real-time performance and playback

Simple drag and drop program creation

Built-in effects: delay, bit crusher, master compressor/limiter

Time correct: 1/8 note – 1/32T with variable swing

Note Repeat: 1/8 note – 1/32T timing, with latch

Supports WIST, wireless Sync Start protocol from Korg

AudioCopy beats and sequences to compatible apps

AudioPaste samples from compatible apps

Tabletop Ready App: works seamlessly with Retronyms’ Tabletop app for iPad

Route to and use with your favorite Tabletop Effects and devices

Line-in allows you to resample Tabletop devices

Use with Tabletop’s Timeline Editor




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