
Ok, I messed around with the MV-8800 sequencer for the past two days. I’m confident I got my mind wrap around the function of this baby. I think Roland made this thing a little crazy but that’s what makes it great. Drum machines are my first love because I love taping pads to create my foundation. I play keyboards as well and my weapon of choice is the Fantom S. It took me a few years to master the fantom and the only reason was because I’m a long time MPC user. The Fantom sequencer is totally different for the MPC 2000XL. I decided to learn the Fantom sequencer because I got bored with the MPC. After that, I discovered that the Fantom’s sequencer is amazing. Really tight timing compared to the MPC. I know I could get some flak for saying that but it’s just my opinion. I was under the impression the MV-8800 is like the fantoms sequencer because they got the same resolution. Man, was I wrong.

The MV-8800 has 3 different ways to quantize and that’s what made things confusing. I could not figure which one to use. Thanks to forums like MV Nation, they put me on the right track. It was still hard because cats on the forum gave different perspectives to attack the sequencer. I just said fuck it and played around with the box till it made sense. I discovered that Track Parameter is where the magic happens. I wish cats on MV Nation had screenshots of where to look. All the descriptions are in text so I had to crack open the manual to figure out what they were talking about. I’m a guy that’s use to recording quantize as I play especially on the Fantom S. The MPC 2000XL is a different story. I had to erase all that I knew about the Fantom and MPC just to understand this box. Track Parameter are great because you can change quantize in real-time. I know peeps in the DAW world could read this and say big deal but for a hardware guy this is amazing. So I don’t quantize going in to record. I use Track Parameter for everything I need done. Now the MV-8800 reminds me of my fantom because now I get the timing like it. Also, Midi Tracks, Instruments and Phrases are another thing I had to come to grips with. If you come from the Fantom world, unlearn anything you learned on there to understand this machine.

I can see why people diss this Drum machine. It’s not easy to just jump on and get busy. I know many got discourage and said forget it. I didn’t care it was hard because I got other gear and I’m not totally dependent on it but that is slowly changing. I hit a couple of glitches with the OS but I think I need to update it. For $600 USD this thing is worth a try and I’m glad I did.
Well, this thing is not a MPC but I think once a person masters it, they won’t miss the MPC. As I get more comfortable with the MV, I will post some beats to give cats a listen. Like everything Roland makes, this thing is discontinued but it’s still modern. Stay tuned.

105 Responses

  1. ok bro ill keep in touch when I need some advice. You should record a sampling tutorial and put it on youtube

  2. @lil mojo Vinyl sampling is all I do on my MPC and MV. Grab your aunt records and start sampling. I have a big record collection and I was able to get many records from craigslist ads. I bought over thousand mixed genre records for $100. You can always find deals if you look around.

  3. yea thanks. any advice helps. im learning sampling now. Im gaining more knowledge by the day. I might try my hand at vinyl sampling because I think my aunt has a bunch of old records at her house from waaaaaayyyyy back in the day lol. shes 75 so she has a lot of the good stuff

  4. hi @lil mojo. It’s been awhile. Sorry for my late response but I’ve been busy with a ton of stuff. As far as stand alone machine, look and see if you can get a deal on a MPC 5000. Those are good. MV is good too. MPC 4000 is a beast aswell. You could also check out the MPC 2500. I prefer the MPC 5000. Hope this helps.

  5. Hey j ham. Long time lol. I love my ren but now I’m thinking about getting an older standalone drum machine just to get that standalone vintage feel when I don’t feel like dealing with my computer. Like an mpc or MV

  6. @lil mojo Native Instruments make good plug-ins so you doing good getting those to use with Ren. Komplete 9 should keep you busy for a long time. You won’t regret it. Also, I checked out Looks like they’re Kontakt libraries are good. I didn’t have a chance to thoroughly check them all out but the ones I did hear sound good to me. The Ren should be able to handle any plug-in you throw at it.

  7. hey j ham I made a leap of faith and bought komplete 9 from native instruments to use with my ren. I hope I don’t regret it!
    and I checked out a website that has hip hop kontakt libraries I might get an extra llibrary what are your thoughts on that. the libraries seem good. check it out for yourself and let me know wat u think

  8. @chino Good to hear. I’m glad I was able to help. The wood side panels are nice. Definitely get those. The MV-8800 is a solid machine and I still get good use from mine. If you have questions, let me know.

  9. I made the leap of faith and bought a MV-8800. Ive had the unit for about a week now and I absolutely love it!. The OS is STABLE!! Not one crash!!! I find it very intutive even after using a MPC Ren for over a year. The features are great and Im really enjoying learning how to use this drum machine in general. I ordered a 160gb hdd to replace the stock 40gb drive this week. Im now looking for the wooden side panels to replace the stock plastic ones. Thanks again for your advice!

  10. @Lil Mojo That’s good to hear. Glad the Ren is working out for you. I knew you would figure it out. Check out Arturia Analog Lab and Predator-PL. Those are dope plug-ins. Also, you can find tons of free VST synths out there.

  11. Wassup j ham I’m finally using my fantom sounds with my ren. I am very happy with my ren. Now I just need to get more virtual instruments and it’ll be official!!

  12. @DJChino I understand where you coming from. You are doing the right thing. Well, MV and MPC 4000 are superior machines. The MPC 4000 can do sample rate at 96khz plus 24bit. The MPC 4000 is the ultimate MPC. The MV is good for live use. I like one mode in MV where you can trigger patterns from pads you created into a live set. I would never trust the Ren in a live setting. You can’t go wrong with either choice. You can get a used MV cheaper compared to MPC 4000. If you find a MPC 4000 under $1000 in good condition, I suggest you get it. You can usually find MV 8800 for $500 or more. Good luck.

  13. My main issue with the MPC Ren is the software instability. I constantly have issues with the Ren software crashing & disconnecting and freezing up. Although the software has improved since I started with version 1.2, its still not at the point where I trust to use it live. I use Scratch Live, Studio One, Mix Emergency , Serato DJ and Serato Video programs. The only program that I constantly have issues with is the Ren software. I had high expectations from Akai but I was disappointed with all the software crashes and the lack of basic features. Akai just now added step edit with version 1.6?! There is no multicore support, audio tracks or real time time stretch/pitch. Its 2014 so I expected more from an industry leader such as Akai. Even my Roland MC-909 has real time time stretch/pitch and its over 10 yrs old!! I use Studio One as my main DAW with a Tascam FW-1082 I/O firewire interface. I dont have the number of freezes and crashes as I have experienced with the Ren software. I also tried the Maschine MKII. That is much more stable than the Ren software BUT I dont like the workflow. My options now are to either stick with the Ren or try something new. I just put the Ren for sale on ebay tonight. I figured I would give the MV or an MPC 4000 a try. I just want a stable drum machine that has great features and fun to use. Maybe Im just expecting too much?

  14. @DJChino Sorry to hear about your issues with the MPC Renaissance. Wow, I didn’t know Akai dropped support for 10.6.8! Well, I can understand your frustration with the Ren and Akai for the matter. I have my issues with the Ren but I have a few workarounds I use to get by. The MV-8800 is real fun to make beats with. I like that I can have full control of quantize settings. The MV is a really good machine and highly slept on. As far as selling the Ren for the MV, I guess that would be a good move if you really want the hardware experience. The MV has a warm sound quality compared to Ren. Also, the MV is very limiting compared to Ren. MV has 1 MFX FX and 1 reverb and 1 Delay. You can only assign 1 MPX on 1 track so the big thing to do is resample. Thats annoying but you can experiment to see what you can come up with. One thing I don’t feel comfortable about MV-8800 is that the OS, Patches and samples are all on IDE HD. One thing I suggest is to upgrade IDE HD to compact flash drive and buy a 64gig compact flash card. Compact flash card can serve as HD. I hate those spinning HD, they always die. The best thing about hardware is that you can use it for a life-time compared to software where you have to constantly upgrade. One thing I like about Ren is that I can export wav stems and import them into a DAW. Recording tracks from MV into a DAW can be frustrating if you don’t have multi-out expansion and multi-input audio interface. Some users say they can get around without using extra outs. You can use Ren in so many different ways. Both Ren and MV have their pros and cons. What problems you having with Ren if you don’t mind?

  15. @J Hamilton. I find myself ready to buy a MV-8800 after using the Ren for over a year now. Although the Ren hardware is solid, the software has been EXTREMELY unstable. I run the Ren on a Mac Book pro with 8 gigs RAM(OS 10.6.8) and I have been reporting bugs since I began using it. Although I do love the workflow, the software instability and lack of some basic features has me considering purchasing the MV. I recently purchased a Roland MC-909 and I instantly fell in love with it! Im hoping that the MV-8800 has a similar workflow, features and most important STABILITY!!. Akai has also dropped support for 10.6.8 with future updates. That is another reason why Im considering going the harware route.The Ren is my first experience with drummachines. I chose Akai thinking they would stand by their product BUT my patience with them has run out. I tolerated Akai’s buggy MPC software for over a year so now I am willing to learn a new product/workflow as long as its stable!! I would greatly appreciate any info and/or advice that you can offer about the MV. Im considering selling my Ren and purchasing a MV-8800 this week. Thanks – DJ Chino

  16. @lil mojo congrats. If you want to use Fantom sounds, you will have to record them in your DAW. You can use the Ren to make sequence. You can also sample riffs you play if you want. It’s up to you. I use my Renaissance to control my hardware synths and had no problem. You will figure it out.

  17. Hey I finally got my renaissance and it is a beast. I’m using my fantom as a midi controller for it. now I just need to figure out how I use my fantom sounds with it.

  18. @shaun you’re welcome bro. Also, don’t let those haters get to ya. Hardware vs Software will always be in debate. I try to keep focus on the music like you. There is no right or wrong answer concerning software and hardware. It’s all up to the individual and what works for them. You on the right path. Stay in touch.

  19. thanks j ham you make me feel alot better.i got hatin producers i know who formed a fruity loops alliance against me.they always wanna argue about hardware vs software.they try to act like a fantom is useless and all hardware sucks.i know thats very very far from the truth but it is quite in no way a software hater i fiddled around with my vst’s while i had a working laptop.i was definately gonna incorporate them but in the future i will.mean while im all hardware at the moment and i have to listen to lazy producers who would die if they had to chop their own sample.and forget about makin an orignal sound-if its not called ”preset” they have no clue what it is.i dont knock other so called p roducers or whatever they use i always been the type to say”as long as you make it hot” i camefrom humble beginnings sequencing with a four track cassette before i knew midi so i knw how it is. but i think its totally whack when other so called producers try to tell you that you spent too much on your gear because their cheap and not as serious as you are .oustide of music i love em but there hatin ways when it comes to equipment is a real turnoff. i wish they would stop hatin and make music.forgive me for venting but i know your a real producer so i had to tell anyhow thanks for the advice.i think your right -hard n software could aperfect easin into it . as long as its smooth and still learning what i have.between the asr fantom and mv i got my hands full.each one demands a lotta learning if you wanna get the most out of it -like anything-ut especially those three.themanual reading never stops. but anyway thanks j ham.i really appreciate your input

  20. @shaun The Fantom X has some great sounds in it. I still use my Fantom S and I have a hard time finding a VST to rival it. VST synths are getting better especially on the virtual analog side. Some people swear by plugins. The bread and butter sounds in the Fantom X make it a keeper. I find myself getting vst synths lately. It’s easy to change to a new sound palette getting a VST. If you want new sounds for the Fantom X, you need SRX cards or sampling. SRX cards are cheaper now but still cost. Some VST plugins cost more than a SRX cards so you have to weigh the value. There are some plugins that can do stuff the Fantom X can’t do in the synthesis department. VSTs are catching up. I think the Fantom X is good to have in the arsenal. You can always grow by getting more SRX cards or synths. I look at VST synths like getting new gear except it’s not. Using a combination of hardware and software could be a perfect union. I still have hardware in the lab and I don’t plan on selling it. @shaun you can still get the job done with what you got. DJ Premier still use a MPC 60 so don’t feel like you missing out.

  21. I hear where your comin from j ham in regards to time saved tracking and less headache and hassle . Makes sense.i see myself being like you and using both hard and software.for now I’m using what I have which is all hardware.i was looking forward to using my laptop as a vst sound module before it conked out.thats one of the reasons I got the fantom -to be a USB controller .i had korg analog and digital pack,a n ovation bass station ,nuklear and about a dozen other vst’s .thanks for everything j ham you alleviated my concerns with your response..just wondering do you have a go to vst? Thanks!

  22. Not to keep bombarding you with questions j ham but I just realized you wrote the intro to this page.i also see your a fantom s someone who’s still learning the fantom x on its deeper level i just wanted to know specifically do you feel the fantom can compete with the top vst synths out there?im no master of the fantom yet and I use it for my “pop”synth sounds and overall hip hop synth needs.i really like the fantom but there is a learning curve when you tryin to get to that mastery your opinion is the fantom still relevant in 2013 I mean I’m still gonna use it but I just wanted your opinion. I’m looking forward to the day I can do all the things I really wanna do on the fantom.i like what it brings to the table but every now and then I wonder are the vst’s a step ahead nowadays .just curious.still a long way to go on the fantom but I wonder how it stacks up against the NI stuff and the reason sound even fruity and ableton.thanks j ham.

  23. @DJ Imperial Recently I started using input quantize after talking to Shaun Nicks. I was having trouble until I replace the pad sensor in MV. I had got my MV used. Now input quantize seems to work after pad sensor replacement. I guess it doesn’t matter what method you use with MV. When I first got my MV I would use track quantize after I laid my drums down with no quantize. Now I’m wondering if people having trouble making a beat on MV had pad sensor issues. Good thing the pad Sensor was not expensive plus it was a easy fix.

    MV Pad Sensor

  24. @ j Hamilton so when making a a basic beat on the mv8800 kick snare hi hat skout I keep the quantization off for the two measures? And also do I do the same when I chop my samokes up to put over my beats

  25. @shaun Some people like software because its easier to deal with. I know plenty of producers that switch fully over to software and haven’t looked back. I don’t know what’s the best vst to use. There are some many to choose from. If you using windows, you can get really good free plugins for it. One thing I will say about making beats in software is not worrying about noise while recording. The signal is clean.

  26. @shaun tracking out beats from the Ren is so much easier. If you like working in the box then the Renaissance is a good option. As far as vsts, there are good vst synths out nowadays to incorporate in your tracks. Its hard to tell the difference from a vst and a hardware synth. Many peeps know vsts sound thiner compared to hardware. There are techniques to make vsts sound thicker like hardware. If you have out-board gear, the options are endless. The Renaissance does sound thinner compared to hardware MPCs but I’m willing to sacrifice a little fidelity for convenience. I do all my mixing in the computer so the Renaissance works for me. The Renaissance is my centerpiece when I want to work fast. I still use my MV 8800 and MPC 2000XL so I have no particular bias. I incorporate hardware synths and vst synths in my productions. Tracking out beats is so annoying so that’s my biggest gripe with hardware. I use both.

  27. So would you say(j ham) the main advantage to the ren is tracking out .i know loading vst’s from it is sweet -but that’s possible with most programs -able ton ,fruity loops,etc. I was still curious about your process of how you make tracks and how you integrate the ren. Did it immediately jump ahead of your other sequencers as your go to centerpiece.for me my centerpiece is the asr–for sampling sounds,vinyl,drums,etc.the mv for all my sequencing.every track I make a percentage of that time is spent on the mv- the rest of the time is spent on the asr ,and some on the fantom.j ham do you use alotta soft synths?just curious i hardly ever used any –a have a good amount of em but my laptop conked out now I’m vst less.but I never used em anyway.but I was gonna use your opinion whats the difference in quality between let’s say modules like emu planet phatt,proteus–yamaha motifs-any version–roland fantoms any version-korgs m3’s,tritons,m 50’s you feel they both sound good ,ones a little better of fuller sounding ,whats your impression of vst’s and your experience with them.whats your favorites and what do you use each me out bro I need to step my vst game up and I’m inexperienced using them on my beats .appreciate your input.

  28. If I use the mpc software as a plugin in fruity loops it should work with the fantom, because I can record the fantom directly into fruity loops. Btw happy thanksgiving

  29. @lil mojo Before you spend money, make sure you getting what you need. If you need just a drum machine style sampler, the MV 8800 or MPC 2500 might be easier to work with and get started. You might hit a brick wall getting your Fantom G to work with the MPC Studio the way you want it to work. Do more research.

  30. @lil mojo Since your Fantom G can stream audio and midi thru USB, you might not need audio interface. Invest in some near field monitors and you should be good. I’m not sure if Fantom G audio can be ported into MPC software. That is something you will have to check out. The MPC Software works with many audio interfaces to get sound into it. If you can’t get sound from Fantom into MPC Studio, you gonna need audio interface. Good luck. Vintage mode comes in handy sometimes to help round off the drum sounds. It helps with digital sounding drums. Most of the time if your drums are good you don’t need vintage mode.

  31. Since I might need an audio interface for the studio controller. Will I be able to hook up the fantom directly to computer through USB and record audio straight to the mpc software since the fantom sends audio and midi through USB. Cuz if so I can just have the studio and fantom hooked straight to the computer with USB without an interface.

  32. Ok. Looks like you’re good. Just read your manual on Fantom G so you can learn how to bounce your beat to a wav file and transfer it to computer.

  33. I think my auntie say she gonna get me some monitors this week cuz I asked her for a early Christmas present. im makin some alright beats now and I only had the fantom bout a month. whats the best way to get my tracks of my fantom on to the computer to burn to a cd? I got fruityloops but when I hook the fantom up to the computer, sounds don’t come from my computer anymore. I just hear the fantom but no sound from the computer

  34. @lil mojo. You won’t need a mixer since you getting MPC Renaissance. Now, if you plan on getting more equipment , you should get a multi channel audio interface. You can get by with the Renaissance for now. You can run Fantom G audio outs in MPC
    Ren audio inputs. Next, invest in some near field monitors.

  35. Really my choices now are studio and ren. The ren has midi ports and it is an audio interface for my fantom but the studio does not plus with the studio I might have to buy an interface anyway. So I’m still leaning towards the ren. I was really just asking about the mv for information. But the ren should satisfy my needs. So all I need is a cheap mixer And some speakers right?

  36. @lil mojo Also, the MV 8800 is considered to be a multitrack recorder so you can use it as a mixer and record different parts from another instrument plus vocals. I totally forgot you can do that with it. In my opinion using the multitrack capabilities in MV is limited compared to a DAW on a computer. The MV effects are good plus you can create your own synth sounds. The Renaissance is a software version of a MPC. It’s considered a hybrid. Well, like I said The Ren is software so that’s one of the differences compared to MV. It’s not a multitrack recorder. You can record multi sequenced midi tracks on Ren. The cool thing about Ren is using VST plugins. With the Ren you get full integration with most of your favorite DAWs. Mixing on a computer is the preferred way to do things nowadays so I would go that route. You should go to Roland’s site to read about MV 8800. Go to Akai site to read about Ren. Maybe I will put a video together to get you a better idea what are the differences. You need a computer with the Renaissance. That’s the only way it works. You don’t need computer for MV. The MV is suppose to be a self contained all in one device to mix and master your beats. To me Roland market it that way but it is very limited as a recorder and mastering box. If you go MV route, you will eventually have to get a audio interface for your computer to record your MV and Fantom G into your DAW. I can point you in some good directions for a audio interface when you ready for that.

  37. @lil mojo The reason people trash on the MV is because of the sequencer. The MV sequencer is good but has many options for timing that can confuse a user. Its not as simple as getting that perfect timing like a MPC. You can get MPC timing on the MV but you have to play around with settings. That right there turns many people off from it. The Monitor and Mouse make things easier for using the MV. I hardly use a monitor with mine but you will notice improvement when using one. The MV is hardware and stand alone. The Ren is a controller with software. You should read up on both MPC Ren and MV 8800 to make comparison.

  38. I also want to kno more about the mv 8800 just in case I wanna go the cheaper route. Is mv better to have other than the other stAndalone mpcs and y am I reading such bad reviews about them on forums. Is it easy to use with the monitor and mouse? I just want a comparison to the mv and the ren?

  39. @lil mojo I don’t have any experience with Maschine. I always wanted to get my hands on one but haven’t been fortunate to obtain one. I’m not sure about the Akai Miniak. I use to have a Korg Micro Korg. Those are not bad. As far as Micro Korg, its basically a virtual analog synth. I prefer real analog synths myself so those synths don’t do anything for me. I’m not sure about real sounding instruments. You shouldn’t buy a Micro Korg expecting real instruments anyway. Its suppose to emulate real analog synths. Your Fantom G will have better real sounding instruments compared to those synths you mentioned. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste my money on those synths to be honest. Now I use to love some of the bass sounds on the Micro Korg but its wasn’t enough for me to keep it.

  40. Do y’all have any experience with the ni maschine? And I want to eventually add an akai miniak or micro korg xl to my mix, wat are your thoughts on mini synthesizer keyboards? Are they just synth sounds are do they have instruments sounds on them as well?

  41. @lil mojo. You can get a mixer or a multi channel audio interface. The choice is yours. If you want to use a computer for your mixing than get a audio interface. The Renaissance can function as a audio interface. @shaun yeah, the MPC Renaissance is dope because you don’t have to track out beats into computer. Everything is there to mix. You can get from A to B quicker because everything is in the computer. I still like hardware but the Ren makes life much easier and less time consuming. The Renaissance can do everything the MV can do plus more. The Ren is integrated into computer and everybody nowadays is doing everything in the box so you can’t go wrong. You can get that famous MPC timing in the box. You don’t even need a hardware MPC. Today there are some many option to make beats that it’s really up to the individual what they want to use. The MPC vintage mode is just emulations so basically they are effects to make your Ren sound like a MPC 60 or 3000. You can use 3rd party plugins. Thanks Shaun. I’ve been making beats for over 20 years and released music professionally for 10 yrs. I’m still learning but I love to share what I know.

  42. yea that track was fly. Eventually I want to have a portable beat station thats battery powered that I can take with me in a bag and go, like a mpc 500 with a microkorg synth or something like that.. I can be outside or on a plane anywhere makin beats. im 24 now I been using fruityloops since I was like 14, I stopped making beats for a few years but im back on it now tryna get back into the groove.

  43. When you have time check out a track I produced called “ring around” by “T local”.you tube search my name “shaun nicks” and take a look. The track was produced on a fantom x6–using internal presets and internal drums (not even tweaked)..any who’s –lil mojo keep doing your thing,I love to hear about or watch younger beat makers on their journey.master your gear,learn to program your own sounds,learn to layer and tweak drums you’ll be right.j ham you got a mv and a ren so I envy you.even though I love the mv(I will definately be sequencing with it for at least another three years) i would love to have a ren and build my skills on it.i definately feel thats gonna be the new studio standard for a decade to seems like a smooth transition from hardware mv/mpc world into a super tight integrated is the transition ?and how does the ren compare to the mv or any mpc’s you have been on.was just curious.i footage feelin one of those might end up in my possession soon .whats your impression of the ren.details will be does that 60 mode and 3000 mode sound.just curious you seem pretty experienced and knowledgable .thanks gentlemen.

  44. Samsung windows 8 laptop. Ima use the fantom g6 with it too for a controller and sound module plus get a lot of plugins and vsts from my homie for cheap. Since I got a fantom I won’t need a separate controller right?
    I want the renaissance more that the studio cuz it’s simply bigger and it’ll make me feel like I got a standalone mpc like I been wanting. By early next year I aim to have my home studio completed with speakers and all. by march hopefully. Will I need a separate mixer?

  45. Good luck with everything..keep makin those tracks no matter what gear you on.of course gear that inspires you helps.i remember when I got my asr was my first piece of truly pro gear.elevated my production skills to tha next level.made every piece of gear that came after (and gear i already had)alot easier to my opinion for you that piece is the fantom g.mastering that keyboard will definately make you a better producer on fruity a big fan of the fantom series and I believe it’s the modern reincarnation of the asr in a few ways.definately a board worth mastering..wished the g could take srx’s but you can’t have it all.all in all the fantom is a beast and since you own one without other hardware you should definately centralize your set last rid bit till needed again —learn learn learn.learn as much as you can-read,watch you tube videos,constantly me–the more you learn the further you will be able to take any gear you use.thats the difference with older cats like myself and the young producers.we had to graduate from piece to piece and climb our way up the equipment ladder and by the time we got to a mpc or a asr or a triton or whatever we had gained lots of skill to apply to better gear.these youngsters nowadays start with more power than they even have experience for and never pickup certain skills that hardware forced you to pick up.learn all about what is that producers really do ,learn about the vast and various equipment thats used to make music.then you have more to offer artists as well as your talent.good luck

  46. Nothing really. Its suppose to get you the classic MPC 60, MPC 3000 and SP 1200 sound to your beats. Its just a effect. I think the Renaissance will be better for you since you don’t have a audio interface. What kind of computer you got?

  47. Oh, I think you will need a audio interface to use MPC Studio. It doesn’t have a built in sound card. My bad, I forgot that too. You might want to go with MPC Renaissance.

  48. @lil mojo one thing I forgot to add. Editing samples on the MPC Renaissance is easier compared to MPC Studio. The cool thing is you can still edit samples on the computer so it’s not like you missing much. As far as value, it depends on what you want. If more midi ins and outs,audio outs and vintage mode is important, get REN. If not get Studio. The Studio is Cheaper even new. akai is selling refurbish ones for $359.00.

  49. @lil mojo there are a few differences. The MPC Studio is thin. It doesn’t have the flip screen like the Ren. It has 1 midi out and 1 midi in. It only has 4 Q Links compared 16 on the Ren. It doesn’t have vintage mode. You can live without vintage mode in my opinion. Button Line: They are both using MPC Software so they do the same thing. The MPC Studio doesn’t have many midi options like the Ren. The Studio does everything the Ren does except those few things which are not a big deal especially for someone like you. The MPC Renaissance and MPC Studio are just controllers and all the magic is in the MPC Software. You should have all you need from the MPC studio plus I think you can get vintage mode to work with a hack.

  50. Hey what’s the main difference between the mpc renaissance and the mpc studio? Is the renaissance a better value ?

  51. @lil mojo make sure you buying what you truly want. Those links to the sounds will work in any sampler. What ever decisions you make, you won’t go wrong with the sounds. I’m always here if you need help.

  52. thanks homie I love playin on my fantom, ive liked to make beats since I was like 14 so I have the passion.
    I always like learning something new that y I want a beat machine. it interest me a lot. im from south baton rouge out of the bottom where lil boosie from but I been livin on dallas 3 years. if u ever heard of a rapper named kevin gates, I look up to the guy guss who used to do all his production, that where I get some of my advice from, that who told me he can get me plugins and vsts no problem all I need is the renaissance.. but you have a lot of knowledge so I thank you for your help.

  53. OK. is there anyway I can get those drum sounds into my fantom g? Im still learning my fantom so im kinda still an amateur when it comes to its functions but im making beats tho.

  54. by the way, how can I hook up a cheap akai drum pad controller to my fantom g in the mean time before I get my Ren? because the pads on the fantom aren’t that responsive

  55. @lil mojo I think the MPC Renaissance comes with Avid ProTools Express. I guess that is a striped down DAW. Protools should work. Not sure about Fruity Loops. You should have some kind of DAW software. I use Logic myself and the MPC Software works with it. I’m sure MPC Software is compatible with most commercially available DAWs. The plugins that come with MPC Software suck major. If they are missing after you buy used REN you won’t miss em. Make sure you get the installation disc of MPC Software that came with REN.

    Check for more info.

  56. OK when I get the ren ill just work with wat i got. what about the drum sounds that come with the Ren, are they any good? because I need some hard hitting drums.

  57. OK you guys I made up my mind on my choice to get the MPC Renaissance. Should I use it as a standalone software or should I get a different DAW? Because I heard the MPC software is a little buggy. I’m using Fruity loops now but I want to change to something newer and better. I’m thinking of Pro Tools, Cubase, Ableton, or Sonar, what DAW software’s would be a good pair to use the MPC Renaissance with? Or does the Renaissance come with Pro Tools already? I might get a used Ren but I am afraid a used one might not come with everything a new one will. Can I use my Fantom as a MIDI controller and sound module?

  58. @shaun Yeah, I will try input quantize with drums but I think my MV 8800 is not working properly. I bought it used and I notice my beats has a hiccup making its way back to 1 measure with input quantize. Not sure if a good condition MV does what mine does. I bought mine used. I might try to buy another one to see if I experience that same issue. So far if I turn input quantize off and use track quantize after the fact and I get better results. The reason I think something is wrong with my MV is because the clipboard button doesn’t work. I replaced the pad board and I still have problem. Also, thanks for help with lil mojo.

  59. I agree with j ham–lil mojo you probly need to do alot more research before you make a move. But I know what it’s like to want more gear that you might not really need.but as I said since your insistent on a standalone beat machine I have to recommend the mv 8800 or 8000. Let me tell you why. You already have a fantom g,it WILL be easy to learn the mv it is a simple machine on the surface .it is not hard to use.the fantom x and g are more difficult sequencers and samplers to learn -and I’m not sayin they are difficult,they are NOT.but the mv is easier to sample, sequence ,program drums and add effects..if you use the mouse and VGA it definately adds the DAW feel–plus makes step recording and drum grid and piano roll even easier.i have my mv hooked up to a computer screen and mouse but I hardly ever use it the built in screen is awesome — listen carefully—the screen and user interface blows out the 2500,the 5000,and the 4000 and every other mpc except the ren.the layout is so simple on the won’t need Jjos as the mv version software has never given me a problem.the mv has more sampling time than the 5000, the 2500–I’m not sure about the 4000.the built in analog modeling synth is a beast on the mv. I use it probly on 70%of my beats or more .it excels on bass .its a very useful Feature to have in your drum machine .its actually quite impressive the useful basses it can create with far as sequencing and drum programming and the feel and the timing and all that the mv is very very very solid.if I was to compare it to the mpc’s I’ve used -which is the 2000 and 2000xl then it is capable of what people call mpc swing.the key to achieving that type of feel is to use whats called input press the record button and a screen appears -turn on the input quantize and set it to grid–set the strength or swing or whatever its called to when you record you will achieve “mpc swing”.just make sure your drums are trimmed precise .thats it.its that simple.mind you there are a few other ways to do this in the mv but thats the most simple and I find I love the results this I’ve said in previous posts the mv excels at all drum programming ,sampling ,sequencing,bass sounds,and “beat making”.thats the true heart if the mv even though it can burn CDs ,records audio,hooks up to a computer screen and other bells and in no way a mpc hater I actually love em and some of my early mentors were great mpc producers.but honestly if it ain’t the mpc ren the mv outclasses all other mpc’s in terms of features and ease of use .by the way the mv is great at importing and exporting sounds to and from a computer(easy and painless)allowing nice integration if the way did you know your fantom g is also a audio interface–so you can plug in whatever you want and record to your daw .i could go on and on with this gear talk but its up to you .in my opinion hold off for a little bit,keep using what you have,do more research then make your choice.but in all honesty with fruity loops and a fantom g you have a super powerful setup.i started on a 21 sec sampler(roland js 30)a drum machine(boss dr-202) and a turntable.i rocked out with that for a while so when I did upgrade gear I was way more knowledgable about production and equipment etc.master fruity loops,master the fantom g .you don’t need a drum machine–but they are fun and add a dimension so if I really want one get the mv 8800 or the 8000-if not that get a 2000xl–they goin for so cheap and they are so good.if you want the ultimate software based drum machine get the ren(if money’s no object other wise get maschine)hope I been a help.good j ham—if you still have a mv try recordings drums with input quantize and not the track parameter quantize and see what you think(77%seing as a start point)tell me how you like it.ive tried every way this gives me that classic mp swing out the gate.

  60. @lil mojo. Ok, the MPC 5000 is a little different for the fact that the MPC 5000 is all hardware and the Ren isn’t. The Ren is really just a controller and the MPC Software is where everything is happening. So in essense they are different but they function the same way. The synth on the MPC 5000 is just Virtual Analog sounding instruments. The Fantom G has that and bread and butter sounds meaning piano, sax, guitar etc. With the Renaissance, you can use any vst plugin with it so your sound options are endless.

    If you go with a hardware drum machine sampler, you gonna need a mixer or audio interface with multiple ins to hear both MPC and Fantom especially if you want sound to go into computer. The MPC Renaissance already has a audio interface built in so that eliminates getting a audio interface. Now I’m not sure if the Renaissance is ready for full DAW operation yet. I know it will work inside of DAW. Check out RME Babyface for audio Interface if you go hardware route.

    If you not ready for audio interface, you can get a cheap mixer for the time being to hear both. You might want to invest in some Near field Monitors so you can hear your music through speakers instead of just headphones. Now if you want to control software with a hardware MPC other than Renaissance than you need midi to do that. Midi ports are on the MPC 2500 and MPC 5000. Make sure you have midi ports for your computer. If not, you need to get a audio interface with midi ports or you can get usb midi port.

    From the looks of it, you will be spending more money to use a MPC 2500 & MPC 5000 with your computer since you don’t have audio interface already. Maybe the Renaissance will be a better option for you. I think you should do more research before spending your money. You might waste money before you find your way.

    The MPC Renaissance has midi ports and all plus its hooked to computer already.

  61. im just using head phones I don’t have speakers yet.
    now im leaning more torwards the standalone mpcs , because I can use them with the computer like a controller like the ren anyway right?

  62. ok thanks ima either go with the 2500 or 5000 . if I can get a 5000 for the price of the 2500 ill go with that. I really want the standalone feel and experience because I never had one. the ren might be out of the question because I heard the sounds arent that good that come with the software. for me plus I can get a 5000 for the price of the ren.. and plus I heard the 5000 has some synth sounds built in to it but I have a fantom so sounds shouldn’t be an issue for me, plus after I get the 5000 I will eventually get another synthesizer keyboard. but wat are your thoughts on the renn and the 5000? which one is easier? can the 5000 do everything the ren can do? does the 5000 have a piano roll too? the 5000 has a cd burner so I wouldn’t need a computer. but can I use the 2500 or 5000 as a midi device/controller in a daw if I wanted to? because if I can I don’t think I would need a ren. and can I use drum sounds from the mpc in my daw? im using fruity loops now but I want another daw eventually.
    but if I get the ren my friend in baton rouge says he knows a guy thatll give me 5k worth of instruments and vsts for $250.

  63. I’m not sure what sounds come with MPC 2500. If it does come with sounds, they are only samples anyway. The sounds in the MV 8800 are samples too. The MV 8800 also has a virtual analog instrument inside it. You can make some ill drums on the MV and create sounds. The MV is a beast. Is not as simple but you can make some ill beats with it. Resampling is the key to the MV. The sequencer was something I had to get familiar with. Everybody has their own way with making quantize settings. You have to experiment but that’s the cool thing about the MV. Another thing I like about the MV is when you chop samples, the original sample is not destroyed. I’ve used a lot of gear in my lifetime so I had to drop all I knew about MPCs to understand the MV. I interview this guy named The A3 that uses the MV 8800 and his beats are ill. Check him out.

  64. So mv or mpc 2500? As far as ease of use and creativity.i wanna use mv or 2500 for drums and g6 for sounds . I like the mv cuz of VGA monitor and mouse but I want 2500 too

  65. @lil mojo if you want something simple I think MPC 2500 might be the machine for you. The MPC 2500 is very simple to use plus there is tons of info out there on it. I have the MV and I rarely use the VGA monitor. The MV does have a warm sound quality but it will be harder to use in comparison. In the MV you will have to play around with strength percentages to get the timing you want. This gives you flexibility but it could be a time consuming thing if you trying to find the perfect setting. Some people like that and some people don’t. You seem like the type that won’t like to do all that. If you get the MPC 2500, make sure you get JJ OS for it. It makes the MPC 2500 into a beast. Don’t get me wrong, the MV is great but since you want something simple, get the MPC 2500.
    The timing resolution for the MPC 2500 is 96. The MV is 480. You get more resolution in MV to have funky timing. You can get Funky timing in MPC 2500 by doubling tempo or turning quantize off. The MV 8800 has better sounding instruments but to be honest, you should not be getting a sampler drum machine for sounds. You have to put sounds in it. That’s the cool thing about samplers. I don’t think you will regret getting MPC 2500 but I hope you have a mixer so you can hear both Fantom and MPC together. Hey, if you see a deal on the MPC 5000, get that. You will be more than happy with that. Plus it has the highest timing resolution of all drum machines other than Renaissance and MPC 4000. Sorry @Shaun but I had to suggest MPC since lil mojo wanted something simple.

  66. Let me chime in right quick.lil mojo you seem insistent on a stand alone drum machine so if I was you I would choose the mv.yes i am biased,yes I do own one but thats besides the point.i had a fantom g6 before for about three or four months before I acquired a mv 8800.having experience on the fantom g will definately make the mv a smooth transition.both machines have a simular user interface—f keys under the screen and menus.the mv sequencer is very different from the mv as far as the layout though.the mv is far superior as a sequencer to the fantom.(I currently use the fantom x).the g sequencer is very nice tho without a doubt .you don’t need a mv for sequencing-you have fruity loops and the g,but yet and still the mv would be a nice addition.the sequencing is fire .in a nutshell as faras sequencing goes the mv is no hassle stress free handle anything more tracks than you’ll ever need top of the line hardware sequencing. It has more options and features and outclasses the fantom g and x.not by a huge margin but its something you would notice.that being said i think the sound of the samplers on both machines is neck and neck with a slight edge to the mv (very slight/it might be slightly warmer,actually it is warmer but not too much. Assignment of samples goes to the mv but not by much.they are two different machines when it comes to sampling .the fantom operates like a “keyboard”sampler .it has more multisample options,it has a deeper synth engine for your samples but the mv is still a professional multisampler.the mv is gonna give you that “beat machine”feel you want and its gonna be real easy to put beats together using samples in the mv.but the g is also highly capable. Which leads to my main point–first let me say i prefer the asr 10 over the fantom and the mv for sampling (its light years ahead with most sampling features. When my first asr crapped out I went from a power trio to a duo-that being the fantom g and the mv .i almost didn’t want to get another asr which I eventually bought another .but the mv and the fantom g is a awesome pair to use together .its strange because they pretty much do the same thing yet they compliment each other very well-very well.a perfect match actually.use fruity loops as a sound module and you have a nice integrated software /hardware setup.of course with this advice I’m speaking from my experience of owning and using the fantom g and x with the a little trick for drums on the fantom (which believe it or not I think it knocks more on drums than the mv( using the technique I’m about to show–which is in the manual if people still read those .anyway on the fantom g or x under sample commands (after you’ve sampled something)there s a command called amp. It works on a ratio. Ex. 100:1,200:1,300:1etc. 200:1 doubles the volume of the sample.300:1 makes it knock even more.use to taste on drums and justo them to them bang.even the mv doesn’t have that feature.its a monster feature that transforms drums and brings out the juice so to speak. It really knocks.try it on kicks and snares .one of the best “amp”features I’ve seen on any machine.also select 100% of the sample to be affected by the amp operation .hope I’ve been of help you really can’t go wrong whatever way you go ,what you already have is a sick setup now but a standalone drum machine will add a new dimension that you have to experience to know what it’s like–for me the mv added that beat machine feel,with a emphasis on drum programming and sequencing and quick sampling with quick assigning and quick editing-everything quick.compliments the fantom perfectly .think about it the fantom g and the mv are two of the best workstations roland has ever made–believe me they make a great pair!fruity loops can still play a major role and integrate well into that setup but ultimately its up to you.good luck !

  67. I would like the mv or 2500 because of standalone. I would like the experience. I would really like the mv because of the VGA monitor connection and mouse it seems easy to use cuZ of that and it sorta reminds me of fl studio. This is seems easy cuz of thAt . but the 2500 I would like also. Which one would u reccomend for a beginner? But if I get a large LCD screen for the 2500 would it be easier to navigate . The ren just seems kinda expensive and u say thesounds aren’t thaT graeT. Wat the difference between mv and 2500 as far as nAvigating the screens and wat not. I just want something that’s simple to use and I can catch on quickly and use my fantom for sounds. Does the mv and 2500 come loaded with sounds?

  68. @lil mojo. I think you could use MPC REN as DAW but I’m not sure it’s ready for that yet. Right now it just functions like a typical MPC that has access to plugins. The MPC Software has no DAW functionality yet. Currently recording with MPC Ren is just sampling so don’t expect protools. You would have to use 3rd party software for DAW use. Even if you get a drum-machine sampler, you are going to need a mixer or sound interface/DAW if you want to hear em both to record. The MPC 1000 and MPC 2500 are cool. I hate MPC 1000 because it sounds like a tin box. The MPC 2500 is cool because it comes with built-in multiple outputs. JJ OS is a must for MPC 1000 and MPC 2500. The MV 8800 quantization resolution is higher than the MPC 1000 and MPC 2500 but MV only stereo out and Digital out. You would need expansion card to get multiple outs. MV outs are going for $500 on the after market. You may not care about that but I thought you should know. Since I’m familiar with all those machines, you will have to make a decision for what is best for you. You can’t go wrong with any of those machines. Buy one of them that has a quality you are looking for. You want that signature MPC timing then get a MPC. If you want a totally different approach to beat making, get a MV 8800. As far as what your producer friend said, he was right about MPC 1000 but the Fantom G is a beast.

  69. I’m using fruity loops now. I saw a used mv for like 500 hundred and prolly bout 700 hundred for u used ren from the guitar center or I might get it new. I was gonna use I as my main daw and use the fantom for sounds. I was lookin at the mpc 1000 or 2500, what are your thoughts on that? Because I really want a Beat machine but not sure wat to start out with. Will the 1000 or the 2500 be easier. I have no experience at all with beat machines. I dont kno whether to start of with the standalone mpcs or the ren. I really appreciate your advice. I kno the ren is more expensive than the standalone ones. But my thing is I don’t want to buy somethin I will be dissatisfied with. The 1000 or 2500 is an option for me too. Just not sure wat to go with. I talked to a producer in Baton Rouge and he told me he wouldn’t mess with the 1000 or the fantom just go with the ren. But I need more advice than that. I’m tryna decide between the ren the mv the 1000 or the 2500

  70. Well, I think you can use MPC Ren like fruity loops but I never do because of pads. The MPC Renaissance is easy to use if you are familiar with the MPC workflow. Using the MPC Renaissance and Fantom together should not be a problem. The Renaissance sequencer is rock solid if you want to use it as master. What DAW are you using now? The only issues I have with the Ren is that it’s buggy. How do you plan on using the MPC Renaissance when you get it.? The Ren is versatile. It has a built in sound card inside but it might seem over kill if you have sound card already. Some people use the Ren on a separate computer to have that MPC standalone feel. The instruments for the MPC Ren and Studio suck major. I hate those sounds. You will have to use 3rd party plugins synths to have a better sound. To be honest, your Fantom G synth is way superior as far as synth sounds go. Plus the Fantom G can do just about everything a MPC can do? You must be really wanting the drum machine experience. How much are you getting the Ren and MV for if you don’t mind me asking? You might want to be cautious buying a used Ren. AKAI has a installation limit unless they change it in the latest version. The Fantom G sequencer is just as good as a MPC. I’m sure the Fantom G has a roll feature similar to note repeat on MPC. Aww yes, the MPC Ren lets you chop samples just like previous MPCs. The Fantom G can chop samples too but Its easier on MPC. Really people like MPCs for their quantization timing. If you after that then yes, get the Ren but if not then you should reconsider. Don’t let my opinion dictate your buying decision.

  71. I would like to go the software route because I been using fruity loops for years. I heard the mpc ren has great sounds and instruments is that true. How easy is it to use? And can I use my fantom sounds in the renaissance also? I like using piano roll, does the mpc software let u edit notes like fruity loops does? And I would like to learn sampling, does the ren let u sample and chop like the standalone mpcs

  72. @lil mojo. To be honest. You don’t need the MV 8800 or MPC Renaissance if you have the Fantom G. The Fantom G has great sounds plus it can sample. The drum pads are not great but you can get a drum pad controller to solve that. I like the MV 8800 but it might be limited compared to the Fantom G. The MPC Renaissance is something I like using lately plus everything is in the computer so tracking is never a problem. If you want to go the software route then get a MPC Renaissance. The MV 8800 might be redundant since you got a Fantom G.

  73. hi yall Im in a serious debate between getting roland mv 8800 or the mpc renaissance. pleas help! i kno that the 8800 is standalone and the ren is basically a controller for software.. i need u alls advice because this will be my first beat machine ever and i have no experience with them at all. wat do u think will be easier for me?

  74. Hi Shaun – yeah, the MV is a beast and I still use mine from time to time. I usually record with no timing correction but once I have my drums laid, I might do some time correction after the fact. The MV is versatile. Thanks for sharing your perspective on the machine. I think you’ve helped some of my readers that might be on the fence about the MV. Big ups.

  75. I felt it only right to add a few mote comments for those reading who may be interested in gettin a mv8800.a few things worth noting -the mv comes with approximately 160 or so sounds on the hard drive . 60 something of that is drum kits,50 something are basses and the rest are spread over a few keys a few strings a few horns,some lead synths ,some guitars ,some pianos ,a few shout s,voices and Sfx. The drums are probly the strength but let me say they are very very very good. Lots of classics like 808’s,727’s,527’s,909’s,cr/78,dr/55, and various other blazin drums.i have a huge huge ridiculous drum library I put on my mv hard drive but alot of the time the internal roland drums do the job.alot of the time .they are definately serious. As far as the basses those are dope as well,fire .the remaining sounds are all of a high quality with a few real nice horns a few nice pianos a few nice strings a few nice guitars .andby a few i mean anywhere from 8-15 in every category besides drums and basses .that being said roland has about two or three more drumkits you can download from their site.that wraps up the internal sounds on the hard drive but there’s a bonus .the mv 8800 also has a “analog modeling synth” built in .roland includes about 30-40 analog synth patches in the effects section where you load them from.roland also has an additional 60 or so “analog modeling synth” patches on their website you can download free.these sounds are really nice and the analog modeling synth is a real plus because you can tweak and make original synth sounds,bass sounds,synth bass ,synth brass and definately special efx.its pretty flexible as far as tweaking and modulating the synth-so between the out the store hard drive and the free sounds from their site they start you off pretty nice. So in actuality the mv is a sound module/synth as well as a sampler a drum machine and a sequencer.thats not to mention the audio tracks which are a nice bonus.the mv also can have a mouse attached to it as well as hook up to a computer screen giving you a that feel of reasons,fruity loops,able ton,maschine&mpc ren,logic .whats nice about the mv is its flexibility bin many many areas.the recording modes are really nice and they include-real time,step,piano roll editing,drum grid it gets crazy.howrver you like to do it you can do it in the mv -as far as sequencing.of course it’s a beautiful drum machine and yes the sampler is really really nice-only second to my asr as my favorite ever ,but I have to admit the mv has a few features that the asr doesn’t even have like auto chop-which is a godsend for chopping drum really shinesin that area among other areas.its nothing I can say bad about this machine it is really the truth.the most advanced sampler /sequencer/drum machine/synth/efx unit/multitrack recorder albeit 9 tracks!/production workstation (standalone)ever made.advanced enough to still rival a renaissance a maschine and mpc 5000.even the i think the mv has a pretty good edge over the 5000 in certain aspects .another thing worth mentioning the efx are really really really nice.theres all kinds including bit rate reducer,robot voice ,pitch shifting,turntable emulation,guitar amps — too many efx to name but they are truly sick and cover every base you could think of–another one of the mv’s strong points even tho its strong in so sso so many areas .i love this glad i didn’t get a mpc even gho I wanted one.the mv is everything I could ask for in a machine like this (drum machine style, pad orientated .its a beast cop won’t be sorry.

  76. I don’t understand why people have a hard time figuring out the mv.I was making beats with it the first day I had it -no manual.on e I read the manual it was even easier.but I guess it comes down to experience.the quantizing options could be a little confusing at first but there alot of options to choose from.i personally usually record most kicks and snares with the input quantize on swing set anywhere from72%-82% with a few exceptions.that range usually works far as the machine itself overall i give it a 9.4 out of ten because there no perfect machine in existence .as a sequencer(internal or midi,sampler,drum machine the mv is almost perfect. It’s a fun simple machine yet its deep enough that it will take time to master it–it has loads of useful features and its a real producers machine.fill up the hard drive with essential sounds now you’ve got a custom beast.however it blends well with other equipment as I use it with a asr-10,a fantom x and a few modules and midi that scenerio the mv performs greatly easily handling all sequencing without a really only lacks in the sounds department even tho the built in synth is very useful and nice sounding and tweak able.however for less sample intensive tracks a sound module or a synth or some vst’s really complete the mv.overall the machine is high quality fun to use,relatively easy to use,yet quite my opinion I believe it’s the most advanced stand alone drum machine/sampler on the planet.howe Ed I will say I prefer to use my asr 10 for sampling but thats not a knock on the mv.its highly capable by itself and I’ve banged out plenty of fire using just the mv and nothing else.its definately a serious production tool for those who can handle it–which should be most of us–keep in mind tho its not a mpc it does things its own way.dont expect it to work like a mpc it doesn’t–remember its a roland–it does things the roland more note-I never owned a mpc so I didn’t have to unlearn the mpc just to learn the mv.i approached it with a open mind as everyone should

  77. @John. So true. The MV-8000 and MV-8800 has a flexible sequencer. I use it still but lately the MPC Ren has been getting more use from me. In comparison I can get more funky timing with the MV but I hate tracking out my beats from it.

  78. I understand why people got frustrated with the MV, but once mastered. There is no, and I mean no hardware sequencer like it.

  79. Hi Nate. I understand the frustration you had with the MV 8800. The MV is not a machine you can walk up to and make a beat right away. I still use the MV but not as much as I use to. Currently I’m using the MPC Renaissance and it’s certainly easier to use compared to the MV 8800. I’ve heard many great things about the Native Instrument Maschine and hopefully I will have one in the lab soon. You seem to have a setup that works for you now. It took me awhile to find hardware to use but now MPC Ren fills the void. I just interviewed a producer name A3 who uses the MV. Check it out. Thanks for the comment and stay in touch.

  80. I spent £1400 on a Roland MV8800. My buddy and I set it up with aims of getting the flow and music down. We thought this was going to be the answer. We came to a quick conclusion, the work flow is uninspiring, the GUI is not intuitive and the software is weak compared to reason, fl studio and any other daw. I know how I need to work and the Roland really was going to cause me more frustration and heartache if I continued with it. I sent it back and got a full refund. Back to the drawing board for me. It took me 2 years to finally found hardware that worked for me. Native Instruments Mschine. I subscribe to whose resources on Maschine is second to none online. Maschine is amazing and native instruments sounds are phenomenal.

    I hope you are having more positive flow than I did with the MV8800. Wishing you all the best.

    If I could share anything on where I am at is that my work flow is leading me to integrate Maschine into ableton. I will have Maschine, push and behringer bcr2000 controlling show and reaktor 5, massive, the mouth, the finger as my main vsts. By next year my set up will have evolved.

  81. estoy a punto de empezar a conocer la mv-8800 y me han dado ánimo tus palabras. Gracias

    I’m about to get to know the mv-8800 and have given me encouragement your words. thanks

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