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The Drum Broker hooks up with professional sound designer Erik Jackson to bring you “Analog Soul“. Analog Soul is a collection of drum hits produced from a Moog Minitaur and Moog Sub Phatty which are dope synths I might add. If you looking for analog inspired drum sounds, you might want to give this a look. Also, these sounds were processed through a Avalon Pre and SSL Alpha Channel Interface so the conversion should be good to your ears. Download “Analog Soul” today and load it in your sampler. If you want unique sounding drums, this kit is for you. Read more below.
The Drum Broker joined forces with professional & seasoned sound professional Erik Jackson to bring you an all brand-new drum package entitled ‘Analog Soul’. These drums have been produced and created from scratch using a collection of analog synths consisting of the Moog Sub Phatty & Moog Minitaur. The sounds were recorded through a Manly Pre-Amp, EQ ‘d through a Transient Designer& SSL Alpha Channel. Erik used a Sonor Brush Kit for the drums being recorded with a Avalon Pre-Amp.
Analog Soul Showcases 280 ORIGINAL drum samples consisting of
- 71 Hi Hats.
- 71 Kicks.
- 18 Shakers.
- 71 Snares.
- 49 Live, Vinyl FX, and Bonus offer Drums.
Processed and Developed using
- Moog Sub Phatty.
- Moog Minitaur.
- Manly Pre.
- SSL Alpha Network.
- Transient Designer.
- Sonor Brush Kit + Avalon Pre.
Price $24.99
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