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Analog Lab 1.1 is the latest update for Analog Lab that was released last year. The software is powered with Arturia’s TAE technology to bring the truest analog synth emulations to the masses. With Analog Lab you get the classic synths of yesterday with a click of a mouse. Classic synths like the Prophet 5, CS-80, Jupiter-8 etc can be access with ease without actually owning the real synths which can cost thousands of dollars. Some of the new features and improvements include better communication with Arturia controllers, integration of AAX plug-in, Live Map Programs accessible thru preset list and Midi program change plus bug fixes to name a few.
Installing Arturia Analog Lab is simple until you have to register and activate your licensing key. For one, you must be connected to the internet to get thru this process as fast as possible. If you don’t have a internet connection you might have to contact Arturia by phone to get things working. Arturia uses eLicenser Control Center which is a virtual dongle for their software. Once you get activation key from Arturia after registering your software, you put that key into eLicenser and it will establish connection to make sure your computer is the one with program. If you have have older Arturia software from the past, you might have the USB eLicenser. Anyway, I find this to be the most annoying part after installing Arturia software but I understand Arturia is protecting itself from piracy.
Analog lab sound quality is really good for a plug-in. The emulations are an improvement compared to Arturia Analog Factory plug-in from a few years back. Analog lab is not a plug-in for just accents to other plug-ins or gear because the sound is so good. Analog Lab has a large selection of presets which can be filtered to get better access to your favorite instruments. There is 3 modes you can use in Analog Lab; Sound, Multi and Live. In Sound mode, you have access to presets or you can create your own sounds. With Multi mode you can have two different sounds combined to have a unique sound. Arturia suppled presets to get you started or you can create your own. The next is Live mode which you can use in a live setting to have access to different presets using program changes. Also, You have access to typical controls like cutoff, Resonance, VCA etc. You can edit sounds with ease. Like I said, Analog Lab 1.1 has good emulations and I find myself lost making music with the plug-in. The sound quality is top notch so you won’t be disappointed.
Is Analog Lab 1.1 worth purchasing? Yes it’s worth it. You can create entire songs with this plug-in alone and be totally satisfied. Arturia hit the mark with this one. Most of the presets are really good and I find myself doing little tweaking. Real Analog synths are expensive but Analog Lab is an inexpensive alternative. Lately it’s becoming hard to tell what is real and what is software. For the price I think Analog Lab 1.1 is a good deal. I made a few beats with this plug-in and now I want a copy for myself. Too bad I only have a review copy to use for this review but I’m so impressed with Analog Lab 1.1 that I’m going to buy it. Arturia Analog Lab 1.1 gets a thumbs up from me.
Price $89.00 USD
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