Arturia Sale Includes iOS Apps


[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Arturia has a sale going on for many of their soft synths and they’re concluding the sale with the iOS iMini, iProphet and iSem. You get 50% off if you act now. Sale is over Sept 7th 2015. Read more below. GRENOBLE, FRANCE: hardware and software designer Arturia is happy to conclude its […]

Arturia iMini Tutorial


[fresh_video url=””] Check this video tutorial. It might help you get a jump start on the iMini.

Arturia iMini Out Now!!


The Arturia iMini was just released in the Apple App store. The app is a recreation of the old school classic 1971 Minimoog synth. The iMini is based on the TAE technology which is also used in the Mini V Software. The app is also Tabletop Ready if you are interested incorporating the app in […]