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Spitfire Audio just announced a new sample library called SPITFIRE SYMPHONIC STRINGS. The library has 147.6 GB of uncompressed .WAV files featuring 89,365 samples. You are definitely getting your money’s worth. Read more below.
LONDON, UK: Spitfire Audio, purveyors of the finest virtual instruments from the finest music samples in the world, is pleased to introduce SPITFIRE SYMPHONIC STRINGS– the supreme encyclopedic compendium of symphonic strings sampling, with the smash hit material originally recorded with no expenditure saved through the finest signal path at Lyndhurst Hall within London’s legendary Air Studios, playing host to the exact same 60 celebrity string players performing on the exact same instruments with lots of memorable scores laid there for films that have actually earned billions between them– as of November 17 …
Spitfire Audio was built upon a very basic principle, find the finest samples that allow the most successful, award-winning recordings acclaimed in recent times to be successfully recreated is not to imitate but to replicate how and where it was recorded. By its very nature, then, when it comes to symphonic strings sampling, it doesn’t get any better compared to SPITFIRE SYMPHONIC STRINGS.
Price $789 USD
Buy here.
[fresh_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs9MHFVtSjI”]
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