
Retronyms team did a week long code job to put finishing touches on their latest Tabletop devices. I was looking through pics of the Debacle which by the way was their 6th annual coding event to see what they were up to. Those people really crank it out but have fun doing their work. Its really good to catch glimpses of things in motion. I’m noticing a trend with apps using Tabletop as the back end like iMPC and iMini. Those apps can function stand only but rely on Tabletop to expand the features. I understand the plight of some company’s that rely on this. For Akai, they only have one programmer so it would make sense to source it out to Retronyms. Retronyms is a team that seems to have made a solid home in the Apple app world.


Anyone new to Tabletop need to download Tabletop(free) from the Apple app store. You can get those devices inside the app itself. Also, I thought the pic of the roof with the solar panels was dope. It seems like code programmers at Retronyms are having fun doing what they do. They are releasing amazing stuff but I will be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of Tabletop because of the in-app purchases you have to do to get some features. But hey, Tabletop is free so I stopped complaining and got busy making music. Here are the prices.

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The DeadBeat: Beat Dropper, Sound Mangler $3.99 US. The Boomroom is $8.99 and The Curboard is $2.99.


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