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Keith McMillen Instruments is on a roll with back to back announcements for K-MIX. Now K-MIX is compatible with iOS and more portable. Read more below.

kmix_logoWhile totally accepting the iOS community will certainly have far-reaching consequences for the K-MIX’s ever-expanding musical world, the Editor v1.2 for Mac OS X software/firmware upgrade appropriately provides an abundance of brand-new attributes for the benefit of all individuals, iOS or otherwise: Stereo Pairing included as a substitute for Fader Groups (editor and also firmware); high/mid/low Phones Gain Level button now defaults to mid (editor and also firmware); Pass Thru could now be allowed individually for rotaries and also faders (editor and firmware); included Expander Control button settable from the editor defaults to off ; included Bypass + parameter reset capability– holding the Byps button and also tapping a parameter currently resets/normalizes that parameter (firmware); and also Analog Clipping warning is now evident in Input mode when VU is enabled (firmware). The Editor v1.2 for Mac OS X software/firmware update likewise offers a noteworthy variety of improvements as well as fixes to K-MIX functionality.

Luckily for PC customers, Keith McMillen Instruments is also eager to announce that the K-MIX will quickly be Windows suitable following an upcoming update. For now though, thanks to the Editor v1.2 for Mac OS X software/firmware update, studio-quality editing and also recording with the feature-packed K-MIX obtained more portability and iOS devices have never ever sound so good.

Price $579.00

Buy K-MIX here.

Download K-MIX v1.2 Editor here.

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