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BopPad is the latest creation from Keith McMillen Instruments in prototype form at the moment. The kickstarter campaign will help take the drum controller from prototype stage to the manufacturing stage and projected release date is June 2017. Read more below.

BERKELEY, CA, U.S.A: innovative equipment as well as software program designer Keith McMillen Instruments is happy to introduce BopPad– broadening the firm’s considerable product allure by scaling up for production of one of the most innovative digital drum pad controller ever conceived– thanks to a Kickstarter project kicking off since August 31, 2016 …

As the first product made from KMI Labs (, the R&D department of Keith McMillen Instruments, BopPad is an expressive digital drum pad for producers, drummers, and percussionists alike. Therefore, it pioneers exact hit detection via speed, continual distance, and also stress level of sensitivity with a fast playing surface area to lust for. BopPad’s innovative style permits an ingenious instruments that ‘sees’ every hit, or motion to really react to the subtleties of any type of percussive hit, completely measuring strike rate from the softest hand-drumming activities to the most harsh percussive attack.

Pledge $150 or more.

Go to Kickstarter Campaign

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