Tag: Eiosis


e2 deesser

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Eiosis has a introductory price going for their e2 deesser bundle with AirEQ until Sept 1st 2016. Read more below. The e2 deesser

Eiosis E2Deesser
NAMM 2016

Eiosis Reveals E2Deesser, Air and Earth

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Eiosis unveils new plugins called E2Deesser, Air and Earth. E2Deesser is a deesser that handles sibilance on a track or mix and helps


Eiosis Updated AirEQ to 1.1

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Eiosis just updated AirEQ to 1.1 with a bunch of bug fixes improvements and new features. If you haven’t taken the plunge to


Eiosis AirEQ

[fresh_divider style=”dotted”] Eiosis announced their new EQ called AirEQ. If you looking for a cool EQ that will help you tighting up frequencies, give AirEQ